Start Your FREE Trial Today
We just need a few details before we can start your trial. After that, you can log into Star2m straight away. You’ll also have access to our online training options and support if you need it.
Global Coverage
Unparalleled global network coverage.
Monitoring & Control
Secure monitoring and control of your asset, from anywhere.
Fully encrypted and secure database to give you peace of mind.
Access via your PC, tablet, or smart phone anywhere, anytime.
Asset Management
Trusted asset management over the life of the Aids to Navigation asset.
Turn-key software solution delivering of our monitoring, control and asset management needs.
Global Support
Our global support team can walk you through the product family and answer any questions you have about Star2M®. As an established partner of Iridium Satellite Communications Inc, Star2M can offer sales and technical support from multiple locations around the globe.